Am Segulah

After Shavuot,

we store away our treasures,

once grain, now insights.

How many years ago in the ancient collective memory recorded in our holy books? Have we learned of the agrarian nature of the festival? Disconnected from G-d’s creation by modern technology, utilitarian progress, and endless distractions on the Internet that encroach upon the mind’s inner space, we buy bread or flour taken off the shelf, without even considering how it got there.

This reminds of the story of the young boy who went to thank the grocer for the bread on the table; yet, the grocer told him to thank the miller, who told him to thank the farmer, who told him to thank the rain, who told him to thank the sun, who told him to thank the Creator. And, so the pious at least thank the Creator before breaking off a piece of bread; yet, what about all who have contributed, both terrestrial and celestial to the end product?

And, in our lives, the People of the Book, knowing our connection to the land from what is written, would do well to live in the land, and partake of its beauty. Most of us in the diaspora will not be bringing home baskets of the new wheat harvest; yet, perhaps, we will have gained new insights into Mattan Torah (the Giving of the Torah).

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dVerse prompt

Silence Within

A leap of faith, one small step

leads to a giant leap for all of mankind.

The moon, cast barren upon the sky,

lit by its own reflection of the sun –

a sign of the times that fall upon us.

Every year on the Hebrew calendar

upon the full moon of Nissan,

the recollection of the Exodus,

compels us the see ourselves

as enslaved to modernity.

Our taskmaster, hovers over us,

constantly reminding the masses

of the imposition of time,

pressing upon each and every day,

to be filled up with productivity.

While neglecting our souls,

we give all for Babylon.

And, instead of finding respite

in the quiet of the night,

our minds are plagued

with the divisions that tear

apart the fabric of society,

communities, and families.

Solace, our only hope and refuge,

is found within, where space

can be made for G-d to reside.

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dVerse prompt

The Cosmic Struggle

The twins struggle
within the womb of Rebecca,
compelling the matriarch,
to seek recourse from the L-RD.
She is told that two nations
will arise from her sons,
in constant flux with each other,
until the dawn of the Redemption
Esau is more inclined toward gashmiyos,
desiring material gain and worldly pleasures,
while Jacob seeks the ruchniyos of Heaven,
reaching toward all that is godly.
Vying for power over the two worlds,
Jacob according to the words of his prayers,
Esau by the manner of the sword upon all,
whom he subjugates with force.

Two brothers,
whose lives are fraught
with enmity between them –
each of their characters
pitted against the other,
for Jacob, an ish tam,
is solely focused on pleasing G-d,
while Esau is self-absorbed,
a man of the field who sets his mind
to conquer for his own glory.

Throughout the ages,
their legacies continue,
as Edom waxes, Israel wanes,
until the moon reverses its course,
pulling the tides of secularism
into the sea, where the Leviathan lives,
unhindered by the moorings of man,
until Judgment Day.

Lasting Value

Falling leaves,

a sign of the season,

wherein the wind shifts

from silence to a rustling sound,

that makes its way

along invisible paths

without a trail.

Life follows

the same trajectory,

when we see all  as vanity,

disappearing over time,

except for mitzvoth.


Bring Them Home

Lost, amidst the land of the enemy,

having been taken captive from their homes,

separated from their family,

some, who no longer roam

upon the earth.

Babies, toddlers, teens and young adults,

adults, older adults, the elderly,

and even holocaust survivors,

all abducted in the cruel games

of terrorists, who are inhumane.

After viewing posts from a number of Israeli social media influencers, who were recently given a guided tour of the devastation in Southern Israel, one struck me, and deeply moved my emotions:

Changes Persist

While the leaves rustle

in the wind amidst the sun,

colors remain bright.

My spirit soars at night in search of relief, by day, my eyes look over the news stories from all the usual sources, that are now carrying the same stories. My world is consumed with the gravity of the events in Israel, where my heart rests. Whether in good times or bad times of mortal peril for my brothers and sisters, my soul is always sustained by the mercies of H’Shem.

Thus, the world has shifted again with the intensity of a global natural disaster that manifests as a result of the actions of mankind. Yet, our G-d is present in all of our challenges, from the smallest to the most formidable – He does not leave us bereft of hope in any circumstance. Moreover, the collective spirit of Israel in the Land and in the Diaspora shall prevail.

And, for everything under the sun, there is a season. So, when lost along the way, while the trees sway, and their roots torn from the ground, there is still a peace within to be found. When the skies are blaring, while the rockets are tearing through the clouds, we take shelter and pray for the safety of all in harm’s way. Our resolve to remain faithful to G-d, and committed to family, friends, and brethren is sure. Despite the whistling of the wind, and the explosions in the distance. For us, living outside of the Promised Land, we share in the sufferings of K’lal Yisrael.


Think Twice

The world

must know the truth,

and not hide under platitudes

that seek to soothe

a conscience that is confused.

There is no moral equivalence

between barbaric acts of evil

and the right of Israel to self-defense,

against an enemy that is implacable.

The phrase “spiral of violence,”

implies a level playing field,

as if the terrorism of Hamas

is equal to the justice that Israel yields.

“An eye for an eye” cannot describe,

an attempt to root out Hamas,

in response to the horrific murder

of innocent children and babies.

It is too easy to cry out for peace,

while ignoring an enemy bent on destruction

of the nation of Israel without cease,

until all its people enter oblivion.

G-d have mercy on us.

Diaspora Blues

As if sitting on the sidelines,

I watch, listen, reflect and pray,

for my people – Am Yisrael Chai.

A nation, unified as one every day,

setting aside all differences

for a common goal that will not sway.

Yet, here we are, few in attendance,

responding to the call of solidarity,

a small diaspora kahal in diligence.

Strengthen us, O L-rd, Almighty,

that we may serve You in reverence,

without fear for our own safety.

Even as Israel rests in Your protection,

amidst the existential challenges,

our brethren face with much affliction.


Picturesque Soul

“A time to be silent and a time to speak.”

– Ecclesiastes 3:7

Let the heart speak,
within its own meanderings,
giving voice to the profound
depths of the soul.

For, while hatred may take its toll,
and evil rear its ugly head,
the light will prevail,
even as the tears flow.

Silence reigns in a mind
that is stilled by G-d’s presence,
a soul, nourished by the Light,

and from the inner recesses
of a heart that reaches
out to Shomayim in sincerity,

the words will be formed
that speak truth to all,
who still have the reason,
conscience, and integrity to hear.
Am Yisrael Chai.

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Set the Captives Free

Captive taken,

faith unshaken,

waiting for the day of redemption.

As we wait in solace,

our hearts in silence,

yearn for the time of reconciliation.

Scattered across the nations,

in exile, watching the conflagration,

indifferent to our own captivity.

Our hearts cry out in whispers

for our brothers and sisters,

while remaining unaware of our own bondage.

The destiny of K’lal Yisrael as a team

is bound by one hope and dream,

of freedom within and without.

So, while we pray for our brethren,

let us not neglect our own condition,

wherein the soul needs maintenance.

For, the spark inside of us,

must be kindled by trust,

in the One Who calls us home.